mark (9 out of 10 ) For its time a brilliant piece of work. Well acted good script. As far as classic sci-fi goes, it's brilliant.
Markle (10 out of 10 ) I cannot understand why they are re-making this movie and screwing with the plot in a major way. My friend and I were talking about this movie and the only improvement we could think of is maybe to smooth out the edges of Klaatu's flying saucer. The themes are timeless: man versus the state, ignorance versus free thought, and the fearsome possibility of an unstoppable machine, yet a vision of hope, of peace for humanity, and simultaneously terror of the idea of laws taken to its extreme future, because it would force an evolution in us that we might not be ready for.
David Battestella (9 out of 10 ) There's a monologue line missing! When Klaatu returns to the ship with the boyscout flashlight and Gort knocks out the two soldiers Klaatu says to Gort, "Gort -- berengo" although it sounds like "bereng"a", as he says later when he and Gort leave. It is missing from your script.
Toby (10 out of 10 ) After his first meeting with Professor Barnhardt, Klaatu agrees to display a benevolent show of force by global electromagnetic neutralization. When Klaatu enters the spaceship to order the demonstration from his home planet, he states the following transliteration: "Imray Klaatu narruwak. Micro pru val barata luke dinsal inkaplis. Yabu tari axel bugettio barengi-degas.".
Popeye Barrnumb (10 out of 10 ) This is the finalized script. The shot movie is different, as these things tend to go. (this is almost always the case) A "script" from the final movie would be a transcript (or shot script). Thereby the alien language differences, etc. (like original script "berengo" and film "berengi", "berenge", or "berengay", as well as the radio communication "monologue" of Klaatu speaking to "headquarters", which is not in the script).